Dis yo boi Tre~lite and first ill start by saying i know im super late on this..lolz sp bare with me. Ok yesturday, which will soon be the day before yesturday, was all around the world day at denbigh high skool. Me bein the person that i am, thought this was wack and tried to "reinvent" u cud say the day into retro day. I sent a huge chainletter txt to lik 100 people that went to denbigh on sunday. When i came to skool on monday, the day before retro day, i was suprised on how fast it spread. With errybdy tlkin so much about it i thought at least 100 people would participate. So when teusday came i was all retoed out, had the wool v neck jacket wit the unlaced adidas, the skinny jean levis, a rope chain, and a hornets cap that gave the outfit its flavor. come to find out only like 6 people participated, give or take 1 or 2..lolz...a huge back fire on my part..lolz.. i cud have changed but i stuck it out the whole day. so heres a pic wit me n ma home girl Evis in spanish. Remember Live Clean Stay Phresh people!!!!