Ok its almost 3pm on the day after Christmas and I thought I'd make a post to show my readers that Tre.Brown is still alive.HA. But on the real I just have not been able to just sit down and blog. And for that I'd like to I'm sorry.
Now that we got that out of the way I'd like to bring up a interesting topic. I'm sure all people who have been into sneakers or street wear for the past couple of years have thought or even talked publicly about this topic. And that topic is, the fact that in 2009 there has been a over flow of Newbies claiming to be "sneaker heads" and rocking Street wear. As far as Street wear, it is officially dead and I'm not going to get in depth with that. But as far as sneakers, trainers, and kicks, all of which I ooh so love; is starting to be invaded by so-called "know-it-all's" of the game. For lack of a better term Hypebeast.
What I really want to say is what happen? What happen to a time where kids did their research on the kicks they loved and actually made kicks apart of their lives. I mean like I've been in the game Four years strong and now I'm starting to see too many kids on
Nicekicks,( Definitely not saying anything bad about Nicekicks because I've actually talked to the Creator of the site and he is cool as shit.) getting amped up on kicks and then going on a fake sneaker site trying to buy them. All I can do is shake my head and keep it moving.
OK now. About this Space Jam release. Definitely the most hyped up shoe of the year. No I wasn't able to get a pair due to personal reasons. But to all those "know-it-all's" that did get a pair, all of a sudden think they got serious heat. HA!! I can go in my closet rite now and show y'all a lil somethin somethin..lol..
But for real newbies DO YOUR RESEARCH. I was told that a when I started and now I'm telling y'all. And if any one wants to leave negative comments its OK. I'm never phased by BS, because I LCSP.
If you want to see a little insight on the conversation me and my homie DEE had Check out her blog.