Lets go we as a nation finally have the power, to bring a educated african american MAN WHO HAS A STROND CHANCE! to live in the white house! I wish i could vote but i cant(damn)lol.This moment feels so good and scary.I have so much emotions going threw my head,mind and body.Pain,love,anger,pride,happiness,hope.,....are all flowing threw me.In closing all i can say is"Fuck MACCAIN,WE NEED A CHANGE".Alicia Keys"OBAMA YALL".lol(BET AWARDS. COMMENT IF U FEEL ME.
Yoo. Your blog would be way better if you typed proper or good english.
who eva dis is above...
thanx for the imput fam
thats all we ask for
if u think it'll make us
better we'll do that
spread da wrd thanx
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