Monday, August 10, 2009

Long's Day of Birth

Yesterday was my boy Long's Birthday. So I'm going to start off by saying big ups to you Long. As far as the day, Id say we had a bomb ass time. Hit up VA Beach, did a little shopping, played pool, went out to eat. Good times, Good Let me give you a run through of what happened

OK, first me, Dee, and Lloyd all went to Longs house to pick him up to go to VA Beach. For his Birthday Present we got him a pair of Nike Blazer Hi SB "Trickstars" but to throw him off we had another box wrapped up with some ugly Air Force 1s. When we went into his house we gave him the box with the Air Force 1s in it. Too bad I couldn't get a pic or a video with his face, but he looked extra pissed..lmfao. So then we left his house and went to the car and there in his seat was another wrapped box. Of course the Trickstars was in that box. The video below shows his!!

So we made our way towards Va Beach, we were all pretty hype joking around. Then Long took the stuffed monkey that Dee had in her car and start doing this..lmfao

first we went to Platos Closet were they had almost nothing. I did see a pair of Samaris but they weren't my size. Then We seen they ugliest Pumas in our lives.lmao

After that we made our way towards Hotline. Long bought some kicks and i got this cool free button i put it on my

Then we made our way to Lynnhaven Mall. We went o a couple stores and ate there..check out these pix.

We even found a sticker from Paper Plates Clothing in one of the photo booths..thats a good spot to tag.

We then left the mall and made our way back to the News. We all decided to play a little pool. check out this pic.
while we were there we all just started getting a nack for taking pictures of objects. Check out these pics. some by me, and othere by Long and Dee.

After about an hour we went over to Long's house to drop off his stuff and chill a little before we went back out to's some pics.

We then went to Cheddars were my camera eventually died.lmao. After eating we called it a night. That was a pretty fun day. I wonder what my Birthday would be i guess we'll see.

Live Clean Stay Phresh


caMeeD said...

"Shake that monkey".. lmfao.