Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Its Freakin 2010!!!

Its almost the end of the first week in the year 2010 and I'm still putting 09 at the end of dates on my school work. ha haa.. Its funny thought how a new year comes and you don't feel different, but you know its time to move on to bigger and better things. Maybe that's just me, but I'm sure most of you agree.

After the day 1/1/10, many people have come to me telling me their New Year's Resolutions and asking me about mine. What I usually reply is, " I don't know." I think that people shouldn't have to wait til New Years to make a resolution in their lives. Everyone should and is able to just wake up one day and say, " Yeah. Today is the day I'm going to start ( Fill in your Resolution here )."

Basically I'm saying people should forget New Year's Resolutions and just set goals for your self and do them..ha ha.. I look back and read that and it sounds pretty cliche but its true. As far as people changing personality wise. that wont change until something really crucial happens in your life to where you're forced to change your personality. So once you hit you teenage years your personality is pretty much set for the rest of you life. You only gain maturity. Some more than others..ha haa..

So to end this little discussion Resolution are made by the goals you set in life and you should stay focused on them through out the years and not just choose a new year to start getting focused.

Live Phresh!!