Today we have another segment of Time to Vent.. For those who don't know I made this blog so people can get a sneak peek on my life. and as my viewers I feel I can come to yall to blow off steam.
Today's segment really doesn't have a key lesson I learned. Today is more about my curiosity of the future. Last week I had a pretty deep conversation with a close Friend of mine and it got me thinking.
What will it REALLY be like after high school?
I mean duh we move on to college get more responsibilities but who knows what will happen..
even with Prom being around the corner..I'm curious as hell on how the night will turn out.. As Far as me and her going together, I hope things turn out right..that's all.
something else that came up was about friends..
You know how people say that most of the people you know or are friends with in high school you probably wont see them ever again. As far as my friends..The people I really F*#K$ with.. I wonder how my terms with them will be..I know we all are going to want to keep in touch but we all are doing our own thing to better our-selves.So I charish the times I do have with the PACK..ha haa.. And if the break away does happen all I can say is that's life and I'm curious to see whats in store.
Live Phresh!!
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